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Image by Bianca Ackermann

About Us

Avid beekeeper and long-time connoisseur of honey and health supplements, Jeff King founded King Bee out of a history with and love for the beekeeping industry.

Jeff grew up around honey bees his entire life and gained knowledge about the "hobby" from one of the best beekeepers in Burke County; his father.  When his dad fell ill with Dementia in the later part of his life, that's when Jeff's passion for keeping bees truly peaked. By becoming more involved with the hobby, beekeeping allowed him to deepen his bond with his dad and proved to be a highlight in both of their days. It was then that Jeff realized how difficult it was to access beekeeping supplies locally and King Bee Supply Store was born.

Jeff's idea of providing essential supplies to new and seasoned beekeepers back in 2019 has now grown into a full-time business that is comprised of a complete line of beekeeping supplies. Whether customers are in need of hive equipment, essential tools, package bees, nucs or queens, local honey or health supplements, Jeff remains dedicated to offering the highest quality products at affordable prices.


With the dwindling honey bee population and the unfortunate reality of colony collapse throughout our ecosystem, Jeff also strives to raise awareness about the importance of sustaining the lives of these super-pollinators. He also encourages his community (and the world) to take time to research the detrimental roles that pollinators, specifically honey bees, play in our everyday lives. Be sure to check out the "Beekeeping 101" section of our website to learn more about these amazing creatures.

King Bee is grateful to have the opportunity to serve all of the wonderful customers from Burke and surrounding counties, and is thrilled to see an increased interest in individuals who are eager to join the beekeeping world. Together we can work to help save the pollinators who have such a large impact on our daily lives, and we can even enjoy some of the delicious honey they gift to us along the way. Keep it sweet, friends!



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